Friday, October 26, 2012

It's So Cold...

This week, where I live, we just had our first blast of winter with a dusting of snow.  Likewise, Namaqua has moved into Northrend.  Having dinged 68, I hearthed back to Orgimmar and jumped the Zepplin to Warsong Hold.  As it approached, I jumped on my flying mount and.... nothing.  UGH!  I forgot to buy cold weather flying.

No problem, right?  Wrong.  I've never been here before as Namaqua is my first horde toon to get this far.  So, all I have to do is find the flight trainer.  Well, it wasn't too bad.  After all, finding a flight trainer usually means finding the flight point and that means going up stairs or ramps.  No different here in Warsong.  Then, a bigger problem.  I had just saved up enough to buy the heirloom pants and didn't have the 500g to buy the skill.

So, I had a few choices.  The first thought I had was to beg a guildee to loan me the gold.  Nah, I'm new and still pretty quiet in the guild and I really hate when levelers ask for gold.  I have no problem giving them some to buy bags, but not a level 68 after buying an heirloom piece.  My second thought was to go back to Kalimdor and farm herbs and ore.  Good thought, but I didn't want to go back.  So, I finally decided I would start questing and earning gold that way.  So, here I now sit at 69 about 75g shy.  I've never rooted for my auctions to sell so much.

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